a.k.a. (BCWRT)

(December 2021 Version)




Name:  The name of the organization is the Brunswick Civil War Round Table.




Purpose:  It shall be the mission of the Brunswick Civil War Round Table to educate, promote interest in and disseminate knowledge of the American Civil War, through various speakers at regular Round Table meetings and other special events.  It shall also be a goal of the Round Table to promote, encourage, and support Civil War Battlefield Preservation.




Meetings:  The regular meeting of the Round Table shall be on the first Tuesday of the month at 7:00 pm or at such a place and time as may be announced by the President.  All meetings are open to the public.  There will be no meeting during July and August.




Dues:  Annual dues in an amount to be determined by the Board of Directors shall be due and payable in the anniversary month of the members joining or before.  The fiscal year of the Round Table shall begin on July 1 and end June 30 the following year.




Membership:  Membership is open to anyone interested in the American Civil War and who has paid his or her dues as indicated in Article 4.  Those who have not paid their dues will not be eligible to vote or receive the newsletter until such dues are paid.






Quorum:  A majority of the paid voting members present at any regular or called meeting shall constitute a quorum for purposes of transacting business.  There shall be no proxy voting.




Officers:  There shall be five officers elected by the membership.  They are: President, two Vice Presidents, Secretary, and Treasurer.  The initial terms shall be through December 31, 2010, and thereafter for a term of one year.  All officers must be dues paying members of the Round Table and must be willing and able to attend all board meetings.  Failure to attend two consecutive board meetings, except for health reasons, may result in the Board appointing a replacement.  Should a vacancy occur before their term has ended, the Board of Directors shall appoint a qualified member to fill out the unexpired term.  All Directors and Officers must sign a Conflict of Interest form each year as prescribed by the state of North Carolina.




Board of Directors:  The Board shall consist of the five elected officers and up to four members, appointed at large, for a total of up to nine directors.  The President shall appoint the at-large members, with the advice and consent of the Officers and Directors.  The at-large members shall serve a one-year term.  The role of the Director is to participate in the governance of the Round Table.   The Board will conduct the business of the Round Table and will report to the membership as required.  Meetings will be at the call of the President.  The Board will meet at least quarterly, unless otherwise determined.  A majority of Officers and Directors shall constitute a quorum for transaction of business.  Meetings may be conducted in person or through electronic means.  Actions may be taken without a formal meeting, however each Director must consent to the action in writing.


Advisors:  The Officers and Directors may also appoint non-paid Advisors who are not Board members.  The role of the Advisors is to attend Board meetings as non-voting members and to advise and assist the Board on various matters being considered.











Nominating Committee:  A nominating committee consisting of a chairperson appointed by the President and up to three members chosen by the committee Chair shall be organized in October.  Said committee shall present a slate of officers to the membership at the November meeting.  Election by the full membership will be held at the December meeting with new officers assuming duties at the January meeting.



Ad hoc or Special Committees:  The President may appoint additional committees as needed.  Recommendations may then be presented to the Board for final approval.  Minutes of the meetings are to be kept and formally reported as part of the agenda during scheduled Board Meetings.  In lieu of formal committee meetings, communication may be handled through phone discussions (with email follow-up summaries), distributed to all members of the committee.  The President should be copied on all committee communications.  The secretary should be included when formal documentation, distribution or archival preservation is required.




Duties of the Officers:


President:  The President shall preside at all regular meetings and Board meetings and shall generally coordinate and supervise the affairs of the Round Table.  One of the other officers shall preside in the absence of the President.


Vice President:  This Vice President will assist the President in matters as requested.


Vice President, Programs:  This Vice President shall be responsible in assisting the President in coordinating and arranging for speakers at the regular monthly meetings and such other duties as the President assigns.


Secretary:  The Secretary shall be responsible for recording the minutes of all regular meetings as needed and Board meetings, all Round Table correspondence as directed, and other administrative duties that may be assigned by the Board.


Treasurer:  The Treasurer shall keep and maintain an accurate itemized accounting of all monies paid to the Round Table treasury and those monies paid out and will provide to the Board a detailed report at its regular meetings on the financial status of the Round Table.  The Treasurer will be responsible for paying all debts approved by the Round Table.




Fund Deposits:  All funds received by the Round Table shall be deposited in accounts at a bank selected by the Board. All checks shall be prepared and signed by the Treasurer.  The President shall also prepare and sign checks when necessary or in the absence of the Treasurer.  If such is determined by the Board to be necessary, a separate fund shall be established at a bank of the Board’s choosing to hold funds for special projects that may be designated by the Round Table Board.




Amendments:  These articles may be amended, added to, or repealed, after a ten day written notice has been given to the membership and approved by a majority vote of the paid voting membership present at any regular or special meeting.


These By-Laws were revised and amended by general membership approval on December 7, 2021.